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I recently just opened back up Sept.12 2020 as things gotten better. I adopted two females which are a self black dumbo and a blue marten Harley dumbo to the Rattery and going to be using males from a friend of mine thats got my line from. That line goes back into marybeth line. So the new line i have in from a nice line. I will update this as time goes on. Please fill the question below and we will start the adoption process and put you on waiting list until I have the baby your looking for. 

     When you adopt from( CER) Crimson Exotic Rodentry you must be serious about bringing a baby in you life and make time to care for them and keep socializing them and not forget that there there. They are a life time commitment. If you don't have 1-3 years to have them as part of your family then don't adopt them. I will take them back without question if there a problem or something that change financially in your life and no longer can care for them. This is an update for reopening.

If you have any questions please feel free too ask.

 *Note if you don't have any rats already you must adopt a pair. I prefer to adopt pairs due to quarantine time. Rats need to be quarantine for at least 2 week. They can't live alone without stress and other behavior problems. They are social animals and do better in groups. 

* Rats will not go to their new homes til they are 7 to 12 weeks depending on the line.

* I do travel trips once in the while I try to inform it a few weeks ahead of time. I do charge gas fee’s. 
*Price's on my rats below*

*These rats have a pedigree and have been worked with for 3 years now. If you like to know more about your rats please let me know.
*Adoption fee depends on what type you are inquiring for.

- Downunder $50

- Silvermane $50

- Rexes and teddy rex $40

- Velveteen $40

- Satins $40

-Standard coat $35

- Odd eye $40

- Marten & Tonkinese $45

-Harley $45

- Bristle $40

-Dwarf $60

*Prices vary with age with rats*

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